Inspiring knowledge to grow into wisdom



Sarah Irvine

A content editor & creator who balances time between Austin and Santa Fe.

Sarah manages client content across digital marketing platforms with a focus on impactful aesthetic and strong brand voice. A British-born Texan, her first creative outlet was writing and telling stories — then coupled with photography, she developed her skills and love of content curation and digital design. When she is not in the digital world, she is teaching and practicing yoga.

Sarah contributes clarity and art direction to our many projects — whether it is designing the website, copy editing, or image curation Sarah translates Dianna’s vision into the digital world.

In the Fall of 2021, Sarah began her writings for Conversations on Conscious Living and Dying. She will be releasing 6 Insights.

“Working on our various projects brings me gratitude and joy. Our recent focus on Mindful Awareness Programs and Meet Patou Children’s Video Series reminds me that good knowledge deserves to be shared.

— Sarah Irvine


Jake Baca

A New Mexico native with over 15 years experience in multimedia content production.

From the Santa Fe high desert he has produced countless works for business, individuals, studios, and organizations. Helping them all reach goals and a more focused audience. Working daily on projects ranging from studio albums to product photography. Specializing in world class audio, video, and photographic productions his goal is to expand and support the media platforms of clients and partners. 

Jake contributes photography, video and audio footage for our mindful awareness practices; he records and edits all Spanish translations and audio engineers the Our Stories Podcast.

“Developing the Our Stories podcast series has been and will continue to be a true pleasure. The depth of Our Stories and the healing nature of these types of conversations is a real gift to me and to the world.”

— Jake Baca